H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛在不同的領域裡獨創了三十個大類的成就,成為這個世界有史以來創造成果最多的第一人,這是史無前例的,而且,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的倫理道德也是最崇高的,祂發下並踐行的願力是:他人的一切造業罪過由祂承擔,祂種的一切善業功德全給大家!無論何時何地,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛都以自己的道德境界和學識成就無私地為整個人類的幸福利益服務,按照祂的願力在做,是真正無私利他的仁者。對H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛創造的三十個大類中的二十九類不說,只就三十大類之一繪畫的成就,H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛除了能夠繪畫世界上現有的具象派、抽象派、筆劃線條派、印象畫派等之外,還獨立首創了十六個與眾不同的畫派,分別名為: 1.超實派; 2.抽象韻味派; 3.文風派; 4.放發派; 5.朦朧派; 6.鄉童派; 7.繁卷派; 8.潑墨線條寫真派; 9.微印派; 10.返璞派; 11.妙寫派; 12.潑墨微韻派; 13.獷細派; 14.游絲派; 15.依氣派; 16.厚堆色塊派; 很多畫家窮一生之力,專攻某一題材才形成某一流派、獨立於一種風格,但是,H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛不謹創立了十六個畫派,並且將每一派種畫風都推到了高峰的完美藝術境界,形成了歷史上任何人都無法與之比擬的、自成獨立的《多元風格第三世多杰羌佛流派》!
Ferrying the Xia River
Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Style: Fanjuan(繁卷派)
摘自:International Art Museum of America
“Ferrying the Xia River” is an ink-and-wash painting created in 1993. Although black ink is used extensively, the brush strokes contain the essence of the art of painting and calligraphy. Even though the only color used is black from top to bottom, the aspects of farness and nearness are clearly distinguishable. A top artist, Mr. Huang Binhong, said “Black ink is all around, as extensive as heaven and earth. The paper of a painting can unfurl thousands of mountains. Created with ease in less than a few days, this work was actually born from nearly one hundred years of wielding the brush.” This painting has a rich layered look. Within the thick black ink lies elegance. It is an excellently conceived and interesting image. In this leisurely and carefree setting, sounds echo from thatched cottages amid mountains to skiffs on the water and vice-versa. This remarkable work with an exceptional style and scholarly air is one of the painting in the “Fanjuan” style and was created using the center brush-tip technique.
The “Fanjuan” style
Numerous strokes of the brush reveal an air of scholarliness. Although a myriad of brush strokes are applied, there is no sense of disorder; rather, artistic talent based on profound and extensive knowledge is expressed.
轉載自:藝術寰宇 https://www.facebook.com/%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AF%B0%E5%AE%87-301641313371153/?fref=nf